Is gold a good investment?
The answer to
this question depends on:
- what you
want gold to do for you
- how much
risk you are willing (or able) to take
- what your
time horizon is
addition, it is
important (and very fascinating) to understand what gold actually is -- not just its physical
attributes but its cultural and economic importance, its history and how all of this fits into your
expectation of a "good investment".
Why gold is
valuable As a physical asset, gold is merely a chemical element
with the symbol Au from the latin aurum meaning "shining dawn" and
with the atomic number 79. But as a heavy, bright yellow, lustrous metal that does not lose its
color through oxidization like other metals, it has always been considered an attractive and desirable
material in and of itself.
Its extremely high level of resistance to corrosion made it the ideal
metal for coinage and jewelry since ancient times and the fact that it is also a very malleable
metal that can easily be shaped and worked into the most intricate shapes without fracturing or deforming,
has made it a sought-after symbol of wealth, power and beauty throughout history. For all of these reasons,
it has always been in great demand and therefore proved to be a very effective store of value through the
Modern technologies have found its properties to be even more
invaluable--it is an excellent conductor of electricity, it's non-reactivity makes it ideal for many chemical
and industrial processes and its malleability allows it to be drawn into extremely fine electrical wire used
in sophisticated circuitry. It can easily be alloyed with other metals to modify hardness and other
properties that are considered necessary in highly specialized electronics, medical, dental and industrial
settings. An ounce of gold can be beaten into a micro-thin, translucent sheet ten feet wide by thirty feet
long (300 square feet) and these gold foils are used widely in the space programs of the world for a variety
of uses in outer space. In fact, it can be beaten thin enough to be edible and is a status symbol
delicacy in a number of countries!
What drives the price
of gold
Given these facts, it should be easy to understand why gold has been used as a
storehouse of value and a vehicle for monetary exchange all over the world for millenia, either through gold coins
or other instruments like paper money that could be converted to gold via a gold standard. But how does all of this
effect the price of gold?
Of all the precious metals,
gold is the most popular for the reasons enumerated above. However, its value and price depend on factors other
than the simple supply and demand that govern the price of other metals. Strangely enough, the chief
ingredient in the price of this valuable metal is fear! How and why is this you ask? Well, unlike
with other metals, the main demand and supply drivers for gold are not its many productive uses but the need to
hoard it! That's right--most of the gold ever mined actually just sits in a vault somewhere because people
feel the need to hold on to physical gold in the form of gold bullion, never allowing it into the productive supply
chain. This reduces the percieved "supply" of the metal and the fear factor actually feeds on itself,
allowing speculation to take over and play a large part in the price of gold.
The case against gold
as an investment
The overwhelming sentiment is that gold will hold its value in the face of political
and economic uncertainty and upheaval and while this has been proved to be true over the centuries,
there is a new group of economic thinkers who believe that while gold is indeed a desirable asset for a host of
reasons--including sentiment and aesthetics--it's qualifications as an investment are actually a
house of cards that can come crashing down at any moment. A major reason for this, they say, is the decoupling
of gold from money. When "money" and "gold" are no longer synonymous, the certainty of the value of the gold
behind an exchange is removed.
This new belief holds that in order to have real value, gold should be
tradable for productive goods and services and be accepted as such universally. Gold itself is not a
productive asset since most of it just sits there in a bank vault. Moreover, its percieved value
actually makes it less likely to be used in a productive way. For example, it is considered too
expensive to wire a personal computer with gold wiring even though it may be the best material
for that use, so some other material is used instead. The value of gold is only as good as the
perception of its value, not its true usefulness. Putting it another way, if we were marooned on an
island, what would have more value--the coconut up on a tree and your skills in climbing up and bringing it
down or my bar of gold? Most would doubtless say that the gold would classify as a useless piece of rock in
such a situation. Besides, how much physical gold can I carry with me (it's really heavy) and how
will I safeguard it? This is an end-of-the-world call.
Why invest in gold
However, the above view does not take away from
the realities on the ground as we know them today and in order to determine whether gold is a good investment, we
need to understand not just the facts but what we want it to do for us as an investment, how much risk we
are willing to take and what our time horizon is. When we have these figured out, we then should consider the
follwing three factors in making a determination:
- Gold as an
inflation hedge
One of our most important considerations when
deciding on an investment to add to our portfolio is whether it protects us against the anticipated erosion in
our purchasing power over time. Most likely, things will cost more tomorrow than they do today and today's $1
will buy us less tomorrow. In order to not become poor just by holding onto that $1 and standing still, we need
to invest it in something that increases in value over time. And if we want to grow our
wealth, that something must increase in value faster than the cost of living. The historical record shows us
that the nominal price of gold (not adjusted for inflation) has kept up with the inflation-adjusted,
real value (inflation factor added) but not beaten it. And even though we are seeing a new "high
price" for gold nowadays, it is really only the nominal high, not the real high which was
reached in the 1980s and which would equal about $2250 in 2010 Dollars. So based on the current price, gold has a way to go before it equals its past "high
price" in real terms. And if we want to protect against hyperinflation of the kind that
happens in catastrophic situations like major wars (post-WWI Germany comes to mind) then gold should more
than hold its own. In the year 1900, gold was about $20 per oz which is approximately $600 per oz
today when adjusted for inflation, so even if we write off the current surge in gold prices as "irrational
exhuberance", it has kept up with inflation quite well.
- Gold as a
portfolio diversifier
In order to smoothen the returns of a portfolio over time, it is good practice to
mix investments that have substantially different risk-return characteristics. This makes it more
likely that when one asset class is down, another is up, so no one investment can sink our finances all by
itself, and over the long term, we should be able to maximize returns while reducing risk. Historically,
gold prices have not been correlated with other asset class returns (like stocks and bonds) as they do not have
the same drivers. This is good for diversification and gold will therefore tend to improve the consistency of
returns during both stable and unstable financial periods when added to a portfolio of
- Gold as a safe
In times of financial uncertainty, investors are worried about the ability of
debtors to pay off on a loan (credit), the availability of ready buyers for an asset (liquidity) and about
prices falling due to fluctuations (market). These situations can arise due to extreme movements in the
economic cycle, political crises or both. Even though gold prices will fluctuate like other asset classes over
time, the reasons for price declines will not be the same and the supply of gold is relatively steady
regardless of political or economic conditions. As a result, gold has historically had slightly less volatility
than other asset classes like the stock and bond markets.
Gold bars for IRAs
The reasons cited above make gold a great choice for retirement plans which are long-term by nature, like
IRAs. This is specially so now that physical gold, in particular gold bar bullion, is much more
easily integrated in its most basic essense into an IRA, thanks to The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. However, rules are always
changing so as always, it is prudent to consult with a qualified financial advisor before you
invest. As of writing, the allowable gold investments in IRAs were physical bullion gold bars that have
a minimum of 0.995% fineness along with NYMEX or COMEX approved manufacturer/assayer hallmarks and gold
coins that have a minimum of 0.999 fineness and are legal tender with the exception of the American Gold
Eagle which is only 0.9167% fine. However, the South African Krugerrand with the same fineness is not
Given the above,
is gold a good investment for your needs? If your objective is to effectively diversify your total investment
portfolio and you are able and willing to hold for the long term (10 years or more), gold can be an
excellent addition to your portfolio. Experts suggest that you should have between 5% and 15% of your
portfolio in commodities, including gold, depending on your risk profile. Conversely, gold may or
may not be the best investment for you if your intention is to "make a profit" in the short term by
speculating on market movements depending on the consistency of your trading luck and
expertise. No matter which way you decide to go, there are several options for you to choose
from ranging from mutual funds,
ETFs and
stocks to precious
metals commodities, options strategies, coins, bullion and bars. Your challenge
is to find out how to invest in gold in a way that best meets your own needs.
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